
Conference Chair
Jeong Bong (JB) Lee, Baylor University, USA

Technical Program Chair
Alisa Rudnitskaya, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Jan Mitrovics, JLM Innovation GmbH, Germany

Mike McShane, Texas A&M University

Industry Chair
Radislav A. Potyrailo, GE Research, USA

Tutorials Chair
Laura Capelli, Politechnico Milano, Italy

Publicity Chair
Anne Claude-Romain, Université de Liège, Belgium

Local Organizing Committee Chair
Seung Kim, Baylor University, USA
Local Organizing Committee
- Tim Dallas, Texas Tech University
- Sue Gong, Texas Christian University
- Byoung Hee You, Texas State University
- Jungkwun Kim, University of North Texas
- Hyusim Park, Oklahoma State University
- In-Hyouk Song, Texas State University

ISOCS President
Saverio De Vito, ENEA Portici Research Center, Italy
Technical Program Committee (TPC)
Name | Affiliation | Continent |
Achim Lilienthal | Technical University of Munich | Europe |
Anne-Claude Romain | University of Liege, Belgium | Europe |
Arum Han | Texas A&M University | NA |
Baokai Cheng | GE Research | NA |
Chunsheng Wu | Xi’an Jiaotong University | Asia |
Corrado diNatale | Roma Tor Vergata University, Italy | Europe |
Daewoong Jung | Korea Institute of Industrial technology | Asia |
Dong-Weon Lee | Choonam National University, Korea | Asia |
Shirong Huang | Dresden Technical University | Europe |
James Covington | University of Warwick, UK | Europe |
Larisa Lvova | Roma Tor Vergata University, Italy | Europe |
Laura Capelli | Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy | Europe |
Leornardo Duarte | University of Campinas, Brazil | SA |
Manel del Valle | The Autonomous University of Barcelona | Europe |
Ning Xue | Chinese Academy of Sciences, China | Asia |
Nishit Goel | TDK | NA |
Peter J. Hesketh | Georgia Tech | NA |
Qing-Hao Meng | Tianjin University, China | Asia |
Sandrine Isz | Alpha-MOS, France | Europe |
Santiago Marco | Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia | Europe |
Shawana Tabassum | UT Tyler | NA |
Shiyao Shan | GE Research | NA |
Stephen Bart | TDK | NA |
Sungyong Jung | UT Arlington | NA |
Takamichi Nakamoto | Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan | Asia |
Thiago Paixão | University of São Paulo, Brazil | SA |
Troy Nagle | NC State University | NA |